Topamine Silver Diamine Fluoride 5ml

Product Code: DF-DL6200NZ

Topamine is a Silver Diamine Fluoride complex (SDF) used to treat dental hypersensitivity. Topamine Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is a tinted blue formula primarily used for the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity.

The use of Topamine SDF is a minimally invasive approach to managing dental issues, particularly in cases where traditional treatments might be challenging, such as with young children, individuals with special needs, geriatric care or patients with limited access to dental care.

Topamine SDF is not only a non-invasive treatment, but it is cost effective and suitable for individuals who might not tolerate traditional dental treatment well.

  • Relieves dental hypersensitivity immediately Provides non-invasive treatment
  • Simple, one-step treatment
  • Tinted blue formula allows for easy identification

Topamine silver diamine fluoride 38%w/v (equivalent to silver 25%w/v and fluoride 4.5%) is a Prescription Medicine and should only be used by those trained in its use. Topamine is indicated for the prevention and treatment of dental caries and for the relief of dentinal hypersensitivity.

Contraindications:  This product is contraindicated in patients with ulcerative gingivitis or stomatitis or known sensitivity to silver or other heavy-metal ions. Patients with more than 6 affected sites, patients having had full mouth gingivectomies and patients showing abnormal skin sensitisation in daily circumstances are recommended for exclusion.

Special warnings and precautions for use: This product is intended for local application only. Not for ingestion. Protect the patient’s eyes. Use caution to avoid contact with skin copiously with water andimmediately seek medical attention. Avoid contact with equipment and surfaces as permanent staining may occur. Minimise product contact with gingiva and mucous membranes by using recommended amounts and careful application. Topamine may cause reversible short-term irritation. When applying Topamine to areas near the gingiva, apply petroleum jelly or cocoa butter and use cotton rolls to protect the gingival tissues. Alternatively, a rubber dam can be used to isolate the area. f accidental contact occurs to non-targeted areas, thoroughly wash the area with water, saline solution or ~3% Hydrogen Peroxide. Topamine has been coloured blue to help identify the presence of solution when dispensing. Always use caution to avoid transferring the solution from gloved hands to other surfaces.

Information for Patients: Advise patients that air-drying and product application can cause momentary transient pain to hypersensitive areas. Topamine has not been shown to cause pulpal necrosis even whenapplied to soft dentin

Special precautions handling and disposal: Please refer to the datasheet for information       

Interaction with other medicines and other forms of interaction:  No interactions with other medicinal products are known

Fertility, Pregnancy and Lactation: Please refer to the datasheet for information        

Effects on ability to drive and use machines: No effects expected.

Undesirable effects: Transient irritation of the gingiva has rarely been reported.

For full information on dosage, contraindications, precautions, interactions and adverse effects please refer to the data sheet available at or by clicking on the link provided with this product. NZ Sponsor: Henry Schein Regional Limited AUCKLAND,  NEW ZEALAND

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Parent Category Fluoride
Parent Category Preventative
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