HAW-1790 - Endo Bite Asst Kit incl 2 Centring Device pkt 4 - Henry Schein New Zealand

Endo Bite Asst Kit incl 2 Centring Device pkt 4

Product Code: HAW-1790

Endo-Bite is a special film and phosphor plate holder for diagnostic X-rays of root canal instruments during root treatment, checks on root fillings and inserted pins and screws and for general use when the bite is blocked (e.g. rubber dam clamps). The system includes two types of holder (anterior, green and posterior, red) for use in all four quadrants. Autoclavable at 134 Degrees Celsius, at least 3 min. Assorted Kit with Rings Contains: 2 Endo-Bite Anterior with ring, 2 Endo-Bite Posterior with ring, 2 Centring Devices "
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Parent Category X-Ray Consumables
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