HAW-2900 - Endo Bite Senso Asst Kit - Henry Schein New Zealand

Endo Bite Senso Asst Kit

Product Code: HAW-2900

Endo-Bite Senso is a universal sensor holder for direct digital imaging of endodontic radiographs. The system includes two types of holder (anterior, green and posterior, red) for use in all four quadrants. Thanks to its unique clamping device Endo-Bite Senso is compatible with all commonly used brands, types and sizes of sensors. The fixed apical stop guarantees complete visibility of the apical region. This capability represents a major breakthrough in taking digital radiographs with digital sensors. Autoclavable at 134 Degrees Celsius, at least 3 min. Assorted Kit Contains: 2 Endo-Bite Senso Anterior with ring, 2 Endo-Bite Senso Posterior with ring, 2 Centring Devices"
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